
To learn about our unlimited jobs bundles for DIII schools, please contact Courtney Freet at courtney@driveandcompany.com.

Why promote your job posting on D3.ticker?

  • More than 4,400 subscribers receive D3.ticker three days a week, producing 60,000+ impressions a month
  • In addition to inclusion in D3.ticker , your job will be sent via our D3.jobs emails, sent every day a new job is posted (included for free with a standard job post
  • Coaching positions can be sent to the 25K+ subscribers of Coaches.wire , targeted by sport
  • Place your opening on the full scale CollegeSports.jobs , which averages more than 100K views per month
  • Save money with an unlimited jobs posting bundle – post as many jobs as you wish for 365 days
  • More than 1,200 female and minority leaders across the industry read D3.ticker
  • Capture active and passive job seekers
  • Put your job opening in front of influencers who can refer the best talent your way
  • 225 different Division 3 athletic departments have used D3.jobs to promote job openings
  • Jobs are posted for 30 days


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